REVIEW: The Lost Empire of Sol

“Sword and Planet is my favorite genre. Traditionally an earthman arrives somehow, and has to make his way on an alien world with his wits and prowess. When I heard about this anthology I was very excited. What I encountered was something different than I was expecting.”

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Terra Incognita: Stories by David C. Smith, Howard Andrew Jones, John C. Hocking, and More

In May DMR Books will release the anthology Terra Incognita: Lost Worlds of Fantasy and Adventure. This project was masterminded by Doug Draa, editor of Weirdbook Magazine. Doug assembled an all-star team of writers, including David C. Smith, Howard Andrew Jones, Adrian Cole, and John C. Hocking.

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2021: A Reading Retrospective

This past year has given everyone their fair share of trials and tribulations. It's a wonderful thing to find respite from our daily grind in a good book. In this past year I read about sixty books. In this post I wanted to share some of the books that made my year not only bearable but enjoyable.

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The Premature End of Swords Against Darkness

If you ask sword-and-sorcery fans what their favorite anthology series is, the answer you’re most likely to get is Swords Against Darkness. The contents hold up well today, which is no surprise, considering talents like Poul Anderson, Tanith Lee, Manly Wade Wellman, and Ramsey Campbell contributed original fiction to Swords A.D. The question remains, why didn’t the series go on longer?

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Story Excerpt: "All Will Be Righted on Samhain" by Howie K. Bentley and David C. Smith

“Trees began to change, and before the young woman’s eyes, as she hurried, the very light of the moon came alive around her. The old druid’s mistletoe concoction, which the girl had drunk before entering this heavy forest, was taking effect. Immediately, everything around her burst alive—and Bunduica was walking in two worlds at once.”

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Richard L. Tierney - The DMR Interview

A good many Sword and Sorcery fans know Richard from his Red Sonja novels and maybe his Simon Magus tales published in the Swords Against Darkness anthologies (starting back in the late 1970s) if they are lucky. If that is the case, you are merely scratching the surface. Richard is the author of at least ten published novels, more than forty short stories and enough poetry to choke the proverbial horse.

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