Keith Taylor’s Other Fantasy Series

Most readers of Sword and Sorcery are fans of Keith Taylor’s Bard series of stories and novels set in historical Post-Roman Britain. They are indeed some of the best S&S tales to come out of the late '70s/early '80s, but some folks might not know of some of his other heroic fantasy/S&S works that came later. I’m talking about The Danans trilogy of Historical Fantasy, published in the late '80s and early '90s.

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REVIEW: The Lost Empire of Sol

“Sword and Planet is my favorite genre. Traditionally an earthman arrives somehow, and has to make his way on an alien world with his wits and prowess. When I heard about this anthology I was very excited. What I encountered was something different than I was expecting.”

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Klarkash-Ton's Sword-and-Sorcery: Another Look

It seemed to me that I should revisit my old essay for The Cimmerian blog, “The Sword-and-Sorcery Legacy of Clark Ashton Smith”. While recognition of Klarkash-Ton as the co-founder of Sword-and-Sorcery has increased since I wrote that essay in 2010—most notably in Brian Murphy’s excellent Flame and Crimson—it appears to me that Smith’s influence on the S&S genre is still very undervalued.

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The 'Lost Tales' of Keith Taylor

Keith Taylor celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday today. That got me thinking about his literary legacy. While Mr. Taylor has more books in print—digitally—at this moment than at any time since the 1980s, there are quite a few of his short stories that have never been reprinted. Many of them are closely connected to his ‘Bard’ tales of Felimid mac Fal. Others are something of a mystery even to me…

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