Pulp Hero Press Releases Tales of Attluma by David C. Smith


Pulp Hero Press has released some great sword-and-sorcery books lately (such as Brian Murphy’s Flame and Crimson). Unfortunately they don’t have a website, so fans aren’t always aware when they put out another book. Since I do have a website, I wouldn’t be doing my duty if I didn’t inform all the S&S lovers out there that a collection of David C. Smith’s earliest short stories is out now. Tales of Attluma, which was released yesterday, contains 16 stories, most of which appeared only in long-gone fanzines from the 1970s. Stories included are:

“Descales’ Skull”
”The Generosity of the Gods”
”Feasting Shadows”
”Dark of Heart”
”The Last Words of Imatus Istum”
”Aliastra the Sorceress”
”Rhasjud’s Destiny”
”Blood Ransom”
”Dark Goddess”
”Come, Death”
”The Return to Hell”
”The Passing of the Sorcerer”
”Patience Serves”
”The Sounding of the Gong”
”The End of Days”

Tales of Attluma, which features cover art by Tom Barber, is available in paperback.