2021: A Reading Retrospective

This past year has given everyone their fair share of trials and tribulations. It's a wonderful thing to find respite from our daily grind in a good book. In this past year I read about sixty books. In this post I wanted to share some of the books that made my year not only bearable but enjoyable.

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Klarkash-Ton's Sword-and-Sorcery: Another Look

It seemed to me that I should revisit my old essay for The Cimmerian blog, “The Sword-and-Sorcery Legacy of Clark Ashton Smith”. While recognition of Klarkash-Ton as the co-founder of Sword-and-Sorcery has increased since I wrote that essay in 2010—most notably in Brian Murphy’s excellent Flame and Crimson—it appears to me that Smith’s influence on the S&S genre is still very undervalued.

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A Feasting of Blood and Souls - An Audio Excerpt From "Karnov: Phantom-Clad Rider of the Cosmic Ice"

In his project Haunted Abbey Mythos, Matthew Knight performs dramatic readings of classic weird fiction enhanced by music and effects contributed by Jon Zaremba. Their latest production is “A Feasting of Blood and Souls,” an audio excerpt from Karnov. This is the closest thing we’ve ever had to an audiobook of a DMR release so far. A glimpse of things to come?

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