Independent Author Spotlight: Glenn Rahman (Part Two)

“My brother and I visited the Providence Lovecraftian sites. These included the addresses of the still-standing Lovecraft residences and also the specific city sights that had inspired his stories. Significant among the latter was the church from “Haunter of the Dark” and the “burying grounds” featured in multiple stories, including The Case of Charles Dexter Ward.”

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Richard L. Tierney - The DMR Interview

A good many Sword and Sorcery fans know Richard from his Red Sonja novels and maybe his Simon Magus tales published in the Swords Against Darkness anthologies (starting back in the late 1970s) if they are lucky. If that is the case, you are merely scratching the surface. Richard is the author of at least ten published novels, more than forty short stories and enough poetry to choke the proverbial horse.

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David C. Smith - The DMR Interview, Part One

David C. Smith is one of the most well-respected sword and sorcery authors from the ‘70s. He’s also been a friend and supporter of DMR Books since the beginning. He has a brand new story in our brand new anthology Warlords, Warlocks & Witches, so I thought this would be a good time to learn more about his career, as well as his current endeavors.

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Some of the Best Books Read in 2018

As the year draws to a close, it’s customary to reflect on the past twelve months in some way. 2018 isn’t quite over yet, but I thought I would take a look at a few of the best books I read this year, both new releases and old ones I’d never read before.

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