(The Best of) Edmond Hamilton's Weird Tales Fiction

Edmond Hamilton wrote many stories of Merrittesque adventure for Weird Tales during the 1930s and 1940s. In my opinion, those stories are some of his finest, albeit lesser-known. Hamilton could write a gripping weird tale, though he became more famous for his straight-up science fiction, especially his space operas.

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Jack Williamson -- Fifteen Years Gone

Jack Williamson died on this date in 2006. He started out his career being praised by the likes of A. Merritt and Isaac Asimov. By the time his life ended, Williamson was known as the 'Dean of Science Fiction' with Hugos and Nebulas on his wall. His works of science fiction and fantasy remain classics to this day.

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Joseph Clement Coll -- A Century Gone

On this day in 1921, Joseph Clement Coll died suddenly of appendicitis at the age of forty. Widely-respected for his pen-and-ink technique, Coll had illustrated classic tales by Arthur Conan Doyle and Sax Rohmer. After his death, JCC's work would influence the likes of Frank Frazetta and Gary Gianni.

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Howard Days 2007, Chris Hale and The Ship of Ishtar

Some readers of the DMR Books Blog may remember my recent post on the sword-and-sorcery/heroic fantasy legacy of Chris Hale. Well, as it turns out, pics from the trip Chris and I made to Howard Days 2007 have survived. Those photos, plus other cool stuff, can be found in this post.

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