The Sword and Planet Art of Richard Hescox

ERB’s Amtor and Barsoom. Moorcock’s “Old Mars.” Norman’s Gor. “Alan Burt Akers”/Ken Bulmer’s Kregen/Antares. Artist Richard Hescox—who turns 70 today—has painted them all over the course of five decades, making him one of the preeminent living artists in the Sword and Planet field.

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The Artistic Legacy of Donald A. Wollheim

Donald Wollheim was a titanic mover n’ shaker when it came to the graphic side of the SFF publishing equation. Wollheim’s instincts for spotting promising artistic talent were second to none in the entire history of the field. In fact, I considered just typing, “Frank Frazetta and Michael Whelan. Mic drop.” and then posting some pics, but I decided that might be a bit too terse.

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