Howard Andrew Jones: Tragic News

Howard Andrew Jones looking unusually solemn.

A little over a week ago, John C. Hocking called me and told me about Howard Andrew Jones. Since then, several websites have reported on Howard’s condition. To put it very briefly, Mr. Jones is suffering from advanced, terminal brain cancer. I decided to write my own post to spread awareness of that as far as possible.

I met Howard at the 2006 World Fantasy Convention in Austin. I'd been hanging out with Rusty Burke, Patrice Louinet and other REH bros at the Renaissance Hotel bar. I ended up stopping by a couple of room parties. Howard was at one of them. He and I kept track of each other from then on.

At that point, Howard had been promoting Sword-and-Sorcery from new authors while also bringing Harold Lamb's adventure fiction to a new audience. He would go on to see eleven novels/anthologies of his own fiction published in various venues. His 'Hanuvar' novels have been doing well and Baen Books has him signed to do future books.

Now, this happens. I can tell everyone that Howard is one of the nicest guys out there. If his fiction or efforts on behalf Harold Lamb made your life a little better, contact him via this link: