Lair of the Brain Eaters RPG Adventure Module Now Available

I’m very excited to announce that my first properly published RPG module, The Lair of the Brain Eaters, is now available! Brain Eaters is a sword-and-sorcery-themed old school dungeon crawl for use with the Lamentations of the Flame Princess game system. The module is based on the short story of the same title from my first collection Necromancy in Nilztiria, but quite a few details have been changed, so players who’ve read the story will still be in for surprises.

If you’re not familiar with Lamentations, rules-wise it’s very similar to Basic Dungeons & Dragons, but they aim to invoke a weird, unsettling horror vibe with their products, some of which are rather explicit (despite the cover, Brain Eaters is tame compared to some of their stuff!).

The Lair of the Brain Eaters is currently only available through the LotFP website, but next week I’ll have some copies for sale in the DMR store. Check out the video below for more information on Brain Eaters and the other new LotFP releases.

Additionally, LotFP released five new “Weird Crusher” mini-modules which are only available through their website. If you order four books (any four, not just the new ones), you’ll get all five for free, one of which is another adventure I wrote: The Floating Tower from Atlantis.