REVIEW: Warrior Soul and Other Stories by J. Manfred Weichsel

Warrior Soul and Other Stories by J. Manfred Weichsel
Cover Art by Scott O. Vaugh
Introduction by Mark Thompson

J. Manfred Weichsel is an author that I was wholly unfamiliar with before reading this collection. He has numerous titles available from Amazon and he is a regular contributor to Cirsova Magazine. I believe his bio on Amazon sums up his writing perfectly: J. Manfred Weichsel writes extravaganzas that fuse adventure, horror, science fiction, and fantasy into some of the most original subversive literature being published today.

The simplicity of the stories makes them instantly engaging. The gonzo twists and turns of the events within the stories makes them so interesting.

Three of the stories stood out and remain rent free within my head. “Money Honey” is about a man who has been cursed and cannot possess money or wealth of any sort. Buckle up for the ride as you travel through time and across the universe all to be reunited with a lost love. “Scent of the Yaka Aka Yo” finds three castaways washed up upon the shore of a mysterious island. The chieftain hides a dark secret from his past. The monstrous Yaka Aka Yo holds the secret to his power.  “Aid and Comfort” is about a family that takes in a fugitive alien being. The war is over, but remnants of the invading army remain behind. To offer assistance to these individuals is not tolerated and punishable by law. This story especially left a mark and I continue to mull over the revelation at the end of the story. 

Warrior Soul and Other Stories can be found on Amazon.