DMR Books to Reprint the Complete Saga of Swain the Viking by Arthur D. Howden Smith

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—DMR Books is proud to announce that we have acquired the rights to reprint the entirety of Arthur D. Howden Smith’s stories of Swain the Viking.

Smith was one of the most popular adventure writers of the early 20th century. In 1923, the pulp magazine Adventure published the first of his many stories of the viking Swain, which were based on the Orkneyinga saga. Smith penned 18 tales of Swain in total (including three full-length novels), almost none of which were ever reprinted. For years pulp fans have clamored for a complete collection of Swain’s saga, and now it shall finally come to pass!

The Saga of Swain the Viking will comprise four volumes. The first of which, Swain’s Vengeance, will see print before the end of the year, and features an introduction by acclaimed author Howard Andrew Jones. “These tales are based on the recollections of a warrior culture, and Swain’s stories are rich with deeds of daring and cleverness and are absolutely drenched in warfare and violence, from the very first pages, when young Swain chances upon hostile strangers beached in his family’s lands,” says Jones.

Keep an eye on the DMR Books website, for further details will be made available in the near future.

For more information on Arthur D. Howden Smith, Deuce Richardson’s article is the best place to start.