The DMRtian Chronicles, 8/16/2020

Rogues in the House by Frank Frazetta.jpg

Clark Ashton Smith as a Fortean (From an Oblique Angle)

Hawkwind: a guide to their best albums (Louder)

The Tempo-Star Conan the Barbarian Paperbacks: Part 1 (Castalia House)

“I do not think that weird fiction should be about ordinary people. Even if one does not adopt the cosmic attitude of Lovecraft, the emphasis should be on the weird and not the ordinary.” The Weird Canon (Dr. Rinaldi’s Horror Cabinet)

“When the stream of a show or film you like is either taken down entirely or heavily altered, there’s no way to retrieve it. When your digital copy of a game or novel is “updated” to remove “problematic” content, you’re out of luck.” To Fight Censorship, Buy Physical Media (Rawle Nyanzi)

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