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2019 Robert E. Howard Foundation Awards Nominees Announced

The Robert E. Howard Foundation presents awards annually to recognize outstanding achievements in the field of Howard scholarship. This year’s nominees have been announced, and we at DMR Books are honored to be among them. Not only was the website as a whole nominated for The Stygian (award for best website or periodical), but three of our writers were nominated for The Cimmerian (award for best online essay). Representing DMR Books on the list of nominees were:

Deuce Richardson’s “Stephen Fabian and Robert E. Howard”

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Keith Taylor’s “Black Vulmea – Robert E. Howard’s Roughneck Pirate“

Part One

Part Two

Matthew Knight’s “Nosferatu Necronomica – Solomon Kane in the Hills of the Dead” (which also earned Matthew a nomination for The Venerium Award for emerging scholars.)

For more information on the awards and the full list of nominees, visit the REH Foundation website.