Steve Tompkins Tributes Across the Blogosphere

It would look as if Steve Tompkins is still well-remembered by many bloggers out there in the aether. Commemorations of his untimely death ten years ago were many and far-flung. The DMR blog posts in honor of Mr. Tompkins were these:

Steve Tompkins -- Ten Years Gone by Deuce Richardson

In Memoriam: Steve Tompkins by John C. Hocking

A Lament for Sword-and-Sorcery Champion Steve Tompkins (1960-2009) by Brian Murphy

Steve Tompkins - May His Light Never Dim by William Patrick Maynard

Other websites did Tompkins proud as well. REH uber-scholar--and former Tompkins editor--Don Herron had this to say about the man:

Mort: Ten Years After Tompk

Howard Andrew Jones wrote this excellent piece on Steve:

Mourning a Fallen Scholar

Scott Oden reflected upon the anniversary of Steve's demise here:

Steve Tompkins: Ten Years Gone

Keith West over at the Adventures Fantastic blog had this to say:

Remembering Steve Tompkins

Morgan Holmes knew Steve for fifteen years and was the editor of REHupa when Steve joined. His reminiscences are well worth reading:

Remembering a Friend

Al Harron looks back on the effect Tompkins had upon him here:

The Immortal Memory of Steve Tompkins

In the Honorable Mention category is Jim Cornelius' blog post over at the mighty Frontier Partisans website:

Steve Tompkins And His Grinning, Unappeased Aboriginal Demons

Jim wrote that up last year when I reminded him that the anniversary of Tompk's death was rolling around. He didn't write one this year, but it's hard to top the 2018 post. Jim has been linking to it this weekend on social media in honor of Steve, though.

A few more things to wrap this up...

I missed this excellent essay by Steve over at the REHupa website:

The Chants of Old Heroes, Singing in Our Ears

There is also this "lost" interview by Steve, wherein he talked to REH scholars, Marc Cerasini and Charles Hoffman:

Steve Tompkins and the book that never was...

Finally, as Brian Murphy noted in his essay, there is an excellent thread over at the Swords of REH forum which contains a few more of Steve's essays not found elsewhere on the net:

Steve Tompkins: REH Fan, Scholar and Critic

I'd personally like to thank all of the bloggers and authors who spent some of their precious time to honor one of the greatest of our fallen brothers. If blog posts were cairn-stones, we reared a cyclopean monument to him yesterday. You amply demonstrated that Steve Tompkins is still remembered--and missed.