”Nowadays, S&S is a long-established fantasy subgenre, but once upon a time it was being built by a handful of writers like Clifford Ball. Dave Ritzlin has done a tremendous service in getting this book into print.” (Fletcher Vredenburgh, Black Gate)
“Inevitably, the reader will regret Clifford Ball’s decision to quit the field after creating these six marvelous tales, as the man was undoubtedly possessed of more than a modicum of talent. A very pleasing volume, this one, and more than highly recommended…” (Sandy Ferber, Fantasy Literature)
“These tales emerged in the wake of the death of S&S "father" Robert E. Howard in 1936. Clifford Ball was one author stepping up to try and fill the void in pulp magazine collections (Weird Tales). He is relatively obscure, but I speculate that these tales may have been very influential to others (like Leiber and Wagner).” (S.E. Lindberg)
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