The Godblade by J. Christopher Tarpey


The warrior-smith Rænon, after witnessing the return of Brakur the Insane God, has returned to his homeland in Aelbrond. Now he must seek the tomb of the dead god Farick for the remains he needs to pyre-forge The Godblade, the only sword that can kill Brakur and stand against the nefarious cult of Arhai. Will the armies sworn to the cult sweep through the lands of Arginor or can Rænon bring the forces of Aelbrond together to stop them? Will cold steel prevail over sorcery and the dark gods?

Find out in The Godblade.

Release date: October 2020
Trade paperback: 9” x 6”, 160 pages, $14.99
Digital: $2.99

The Godblade by J. Christopher Tarpey, blacksmith and vocalist for the band Eternal Champion, is just the type of earnest entry we need to get the genre back on its feet, even if there is still some way to go before the new heroes can match blades with the likes of Fafhrd, Conan & Elric… It is Sword & Sorcery at its most archetypal; There are bronze-thewed fighting men, comely naked Frank-Frazetta wenches with enormous breasts, evil sorcerers also with enormous breasts, demon-worshipping cults, mountain crags to climb and ancient tombs that hold the remnants of hideous gods. Whatever faults may follow… its heart is in the right place.” (Age of Dusk—spoilers included in this in-depth review)

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The Godblade by J. Christopher Tarpey

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