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Links of Steel, 5/26/2024

How I Paint on Watercolor Canvas Part 2 (final) (Brian LeBlanc Art - video)

The Cowboy and the Contest: A Guest Post by John Bullard (Adventures Fantastic)

Coming Soon: Doom of the Dark Delta (Rough Edges)

Fafhrd Meets the Gray Mouser: Swords and Deviltry by Fritz Leiber (Reactor)

Savage Tales #4 (May, 1974) (Attack of the 50 Year Old Comic Books)

Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The White Company” (Ken Lizzi)

Arthur Conan Doyle’s “Sir Nigel.” Bildungsroman? Prequel? Fun. (Ken Lizzi)

Born to Be Hanged (Frontier Partisans)

Emilio Salgari: Master of Adventure (ROH Press)

Humans are meant to do hard things (The Silver Key)

Myth and Purpose; Unity and Strength (Scott Mannion - video)

RE:View - Clash of the Titans (Arkhaven Comics)

Kirby O’Donnell – The World of Robert E. Howard (REH World)

The Rise of Irish and Celtic Mythology in Popular Culture (Irish Myths)

Step inside the fantasy world of Frank Frazetta (Creative Review)

The Sword of Rhiannon by Leigh Brackett | Spoiler Free Review (Liam’s Lyceum - video)

Well of the Worlds (Schlock Value)

Complete Novel Review: Big Planet by Jack Vance (Science Fiction & Fantasy Remembrance)

An Interview with Gene Wolfe by Jeremy L. C. Jones (Clarkesworld Magazine)

The Swashbuckling Horror of Captain Kronos – Vampire Hunter (Black Gate)

The Shudder Pulps (Castalia House)

Manly Wade Wellman: Our Forgotten Man of Letters (The Pilot)

Clark Ashton Smith: "The Tomb-Spawn," "The Black Abbot of Puthuum," and "Necromancy in Naat" (MPorcius Fiction Log)

Lovecraft and Charles Fort (Tentaclii)

Ramsey Campbell and the High Street Muddle (Rise Cthulhu)

J. Sheridan Le Fanu's Ultor de Lacy: A Detailed Summary and Literary Analysis (The Classic Horror Blog)

“The Heath Fire” (MarzAat)

REVIEW: Creepshow #5 (Grimdark Magazine)

Vampirella Archive volume 2 (Vintage Pop Fictions)