DMR Books

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Links of Steel, 1/22/2023

Robert E. Howard: the father of sword & sorcery (The Pulp Super-Fan)

Archetypes of Adventure: Conan and Elric (Goodman Games)

Scott Lynch releases excerpt from a new Locke Lamora story (The Wertzone)

A. Merritt – Ruminations on His Birthday (Adventures Fantastic)

Pulp Fantasy Library: The People of the Pit (Grognardia)

The Best of C. L. Moore Book Review (With Both Hands)

A Man Out of Time: The Star Kings by Edmond Hamilton (

Some Actual Stats (Sprague de Camp Fan)

Independent Author Spotlight: John Lawrence Rak, Jr. (DMR Books)

Tales of the Mongoose and Meerkat Volume 3: Live on Kickstarter Now! (Cirsova)

“The Day of the Stranger” (1947) by Novalyne Price Ellis (Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein)

A Michael Kaluta cover gallery (NeoText)

‘The Past, Present and Future of Humanity’: John Boorman’s ‘Excalibur’ (Cinephilia & Beyond)

In Defense of Abe Merritt (Grognardia)

The Broken Sword by George Barr (Dark Worlds)

Ellsworth’s Cinema of Swords: Samurai Stocking Stuffers (Black Gate)

N. C. Wyeth - Robin Hood (Comics Books Stories)

Peak Machen : 1923 (The Endless Bookshelf)

Appendix N Archaeology: Clark Ashton Smith (Goodman Games)

At the End: Zothique, Dying Earth, and the New Sun (DMR Books)

M. R. James' Canon Alberic's Scrap-book (The Classic Horror Blog)

The Wicker Man Cinefantastique Issue – Reclaiming a Folkloric Behemoth: Wanderings 22/26 (A Year in the Country)

Dark Forces: Part 3 (Castalia House)