DMR Books

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The DMRtian Chronicles, 8/21/2022

Night Winds by Karl Edward Wagner (We Learn By Writing)

Pulp Fantasy Library: Vandy, Vandy (Grognardia)

On the Occasion of Lovecraft’s Birthday (Goodman Games)

Rogues in the House Podcast releases A Book of Blades Sword & Sorcery Anthology (Black Gate)

The Usurper (Castalia House)

The Genesis of the “Barbarians of the Storm” Book Series (Talking Pulp)

Fantastic Adventures and A. Merritt (Dark Worlds)

Independent Author Spotlight: JD Cowan (DMR Books)

The Best Indie Grimdark Novels part 1 (EPIC)

Andrew Offutt’s Swords Against Darkness (Goodman Games)

Clark Ashton Smith, The Dark Sci-Fi Gem: A Brief Overview of the Most Underrated Dark Sci-Fi Author (Medium)

Celebrating 85 Years of Prince Valiant (A Prince Named Valiant)

Tor (and Che-che) by Joe Kubert (Cap’n’s Comics)

Quintessential Lost Race/World Library (Dark Worlds)

Pulp artist J. Allen St. John (The Pulp Super-Fan)

Connections: Frank Frazetta (1963) and Jeffrey Catherine Jones (1970) (Ragged Claws Network)

Mike Ploog Turns 80 (DMR Books)

Robert Bloch’s Contributions to the Cthulhu Mythos (Nocturnal Revelries)

H. P. Lovecraft "At the Mountains of Madness" and other masterpieces of terror (Dark Roasted Blend)

Monster Brains Presents H.P. Lovecraft Week (Monster Brains)

Asamatsu Ken’s Kthulhu Reich (Nocturnal Reveries)

Eldritch idols (Feuilleton)

The Logos of Jim FitzPatrick (Jim FitzPatrick)