Cimmerian Encomiums to Frank Frazetta

Frank’s self-portrait.

Frank’s self-portrait.

The tenth anniversary of Frank Frazetta’s death is tomorrow. That got me thinking back to the days right after he passed away. I was the managing editor at the the Cimmerian blog at the time. All of us TC bloggers were Frazetta fans and it hit us hard. The word had come down days before that the blog would shut its doors in early June, so Frank’s death was the “two” in a “one-two punch”. Not the best month of May I ever had and I know a few other TC bloggers felt the same.

However, all of us knew we had to give Mr. Frazetta his due. He deserved nothing less. So, in remembrance of Frank, and of those days, and of those bloggers, you’ll find links below to the tributes that we made to the greatest fantasy artist that ever lived.

Al Harron — Tributes to Frank Frazetta across the aether

Deuce Richardson — Frank Frazetta: What He Meant To Me

Al Harron — Frank Frazetta: Meditations on the Master

Al Harron — Painting a Vivid Picture of Existence: The Art of Frank Frazetta & Robert E. Howard, Introduction

Al Harron — The Art of Frank Frazetta & Robert E. Howard, Part One

Jeffrey Shanks — Apotheosis of an Artist

Keith Taylor — Frazetta: Artist Most Remarkable
