DMR Books

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The DMRtian Chronicles, 6/9/2019

Review: Cirsova: Summer Special 2019 (Cirsova Summer Special Book 1), June 2019 (Tangent Online)

Commentary: Authors need reviews! (The Pulp Super-Fan)

Coming Soon From DMR Books: The Road to Infinity by Gael DeRoane (DMR Books)

1984, Brave New World, etc.: IMHO: A Personal Look at Dystopian Fiction — Part One (Black Gate)

Vintage Treasures: The Weird Tales Anthologies (Black Gate)

Sanjulian: Master of Fantasy Art (The PorPor Books Blog)

New official Conan site:

Review of Roy Thomas’ book: Barbarian Life (Castalia House)

Speaking of Roy Thomas: Did Marvel Have a License for Fu Manchu Before Shang-Chi Was Created? (

Throwback SF: Jirel of Joiry by C.L. Moore (Every Day Should Be Tuesday)

Crossbones and Crosses Debuts at Howard Days (Adventures Fantastic)

S'more Frank Frazetta (Cap’n’s Comics)

Edgar Rice Burroughs' The Monster Men (

Silken Swords: An Informal Guide to the Women in the Fiction of Robert E. Howard by Fred Blosser (Messages From Crom)

John Taine’s ‘The Purple Sapphire’ (The Pulp Super-Fan)

And the Bright Star Falls Behind: On Gene Wolfe (Black Gate)

The Golden Age of Science Fiction: Don Maitz (Black Gate)

Hither Came Conan: Woelf Dietrich on “Wolves Beyond the Border” (Black Gate)

Recent Read; Three from Edmond Hamilton (Paul McNamee)

“Spears of Clontarf” by Robert E. Howard (Jeffro’s Space Gaming Blog)