The Sword & Planet Art of Stephen Fabian
It has been far, far too long since the DMR Books blog has run a post featuring the art of the mighty Stephen Fabian. By the same token, we haven't done anything Sword & Planet-related for quite some time. As the Gentle Readers of the DMR Blog surely know, DMR Books is all about S&P fiction, publishing one of the finest Sword & Planet novels of the twenty-first century, Under a Dim Blue Sun.
Stephen Fabian. Sword & Planet. Two great tastes that taste great together. Unfortunately, Mr. Fabian, a life-long fan of SF adventure fiction, didn't do all that much S&P art. What there is, though, is bad-ass.
First up is a plate from Fabian’s Fantastic Nudes portfolio. It depicts Dejah Thoris of Helium and can be seen in all its glory at the top of this post. However, Fabian’s Dejah Thoris has the hair of a Thern. Maybe it’s Phaidor? Yeah, that’s the ticket! Honestly, gaze upon that sweetness and tell me you can remember your own name, let alone hers.*
Next up are two pieces from the front and back covers of Rocket's Blast Comicollector #123. James van Hise, the publisher of RBCC, was and is a huge Fabian fan. We have him to thank for commissioning some great illos from Stephen back in the day. We'll see more of those in future posts.
Finally, we have a plate from Stephen's classic Almuric portfolio. The Robert E. Howard novel that inspired it is full of savagery, wonder and beautiful women. As usual, Mr. Fabian captured that spirit in spades.
*Fabian had a habit of sometimes making brunettes into blondes. It rarely went the other way.