DMR Books

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The DMRtian Chronicles, 4/7/2019

Cirsova Publishing Announces Fully Illustrated 70th Anniversary Edition of Leigh Brackett’s Stark Trilogy (Cirsova)

Conan and the Spider God (New Iron Age)

Talbot Mundy, H. Bedford-Jones, and more: Coming This Month: Forgotten Classics of Pulp Fiction (Murania Press)

Michael Whelan – The Tower (Graphicine)

Superscience, the Uncanny, and the Miraculous (Misha Burnett)

Hither Came Conan: Keith West on Beyond the Black River (Black Gate)

Dark Companions by Ramsey Campbell (Mewsings)

Hard SF vs. soft: No Wrong Way (The Pulp Archivist)

Latest issue of the Conan comic: Beautiful Artwork, But Still Not "Howard's" Conan (Paint Monk’s Library)

Dunsany's "Episodes from The Second Book of Wonder" (A Shiver in the Archives)

Asimov-edited collection with lots of Kuttner and Moore: The Great SF Stories Volume 5, 1943 (SF Magazines)

Library Addition: Signed/Limited Edition of C. L. Moore’s The Scarlet Dream (Lawrence Person’s Futuramen)

The Missing Mexico Trip (Howard History)

CúChulainn. Champion of Ulster. (Jim FitzPatrick)

Your magic-slinging protag may have ruined magic (unless you’re Jack Vance—then you’re cool.) (Emperor’s Notepad)

The Spice Must Flow: New 'Dune' Movie Starts Shooting (

Q&A: Michael Moorcock Plays Hawkwind (The Austin Chronicle)