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The DMRtian Chronicles, 9/23/2018

Behind the scenes of the classic Conan the Barbarian comic: Roy Thomas’ Barbarian Life Coming in October

Rare Finlay art: Weird Faces of Virgil Finlay

Review: Gods of Fire and Thunder by Fred Saberhagen

Review: Fierce by James Alderdice

Review: Mortu and Kyrus in the White City by Schuyler Hernstrom

How to make fantastic elements in a story matter: On The Uses Of The Fantastic

On the importance of hooks: Jack Vance, Andre Norton, and Plot Hooking

James Branch Cabell’s possible influence on Vance: Jurgen the Clever

The preeminent detective of Weird Tales: Seabury Quinn, A Lesser Light that Still Shines for Those Who Care To Look

Sword and planet fiction at its best: Dead Cities, Space Outlaws, and Planet Gods: The Best of Leigh Brackett

Don’t forget one of the best fantasy writers of the ‘70s: Happy Birthday, Tanith Lee