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The DMRtian Chronicles, 12/30/2018

“What are the best stories in the Conan Canon? Black Gate is here to tell you… ALL OF THEM!” Hither Came Conan: The New Weekly Robert E. Howard Series (Black Gate)

‘50s sci-fi in Amazing Stories: Short Reviews – Slaves of the Crystal Brain, by Rog Phillips (Castalia House)

Ki-Gor, Jungle Lord: Forgotten Books: Blood Priestess of Vig N'Ga - John Peter Drummond (Rough Edges)

A classic by Lord Dunsany: The King of Elfland's Daughter - Review (S.E. Lindberg)

BARBARIAN LIFE: A Literary Biography of Conan the Barbarian (Volume 1) By Roy Thomas now available! (Messages From Crom)

The Way of the Worm by Ramsey Campbell (Mewsings)

Stories from the Borderland #20: “In the Avu Observatory,” by H.G. Wells (Scott Nicolay)

Marvel Comics Conan Reprint Collections Coming in 2019 (Messages From Crom)

How John Duncan Painted the Stuff of Legends During the Celtic Revival (The National)

A Look at Joseph Payne Brennan’s “An Ordinary Brick House” (Adventures Fantastic)

Lin Carter’s Anton Zarnak, Supernatural Sleuth (The Pulp Super-Fan)

For the First Time in More Than 20 Years, Copyrighted Works Will Enter the Public Domain (Smithsonian)

Ace Double Reviews, 13: The Green Millennium, by Fritz Leiber/Night Monsters, by Fritz Leiber (Strange at Ecbatan)

The Fanzine Art Of Berni Wrightson (Cap’n’s Comics)

Birthday Reviews: Fritz Leiber’s “The Cloud of Hate” (Black Gate)