Samhain Sorceries
Now, at Samhain, ritual fires of ash and apple-wood, mixed with bull’s bones, burned on the heights and the shore to deter malign spirits, or demons out of Hell as the Christians said.
Just in time for Halloween, DMR Books presents ten haunting tales of swords and sorcery. On Samhain, the dead will rise, dark rituals will be performed, and gateways to the afterworld will open. One of the more notable tales in this anthology is “Night of the Burning Ghost” by Keith Taylor, which features Felimid mac Fal, hero of the classic Bard series. Samhain Sorceries also includes stories by Adrian Cole, Matthew Pungitore, Harry Piper, and more.
Stories included:
“Night of the Burning Ghost” by Keith Taylor
“The Black Cat of Barrowburn” by Rev. Joe Kelly
“The House of the Dark One” by Tim Hanlon
“The Hill of Breaking Bones” by Adrian Cole
“The Tale of Marius the Avenging Imp” by Matthew Pungitore
“The Eye of Balor” by Owen G. Tabard
“The Tomb of Tigernmas” by Ethan Sabatella
“The Hole in the Tree” by John Lawrence Rak, Jr.
“The Raid into Annwyn” by Harry Piper
“The Barrow-King’s Bride” by H.R. Laurence
Release date: September 2022
Trade Paperback: 9” x 6”, 210 pages, $19.99
Digital: $4.99
”Good sword & sorcery fiction has a strong horror element. It becomes Lin Carter when it doesn’t. What is more natural than putting the sword with Halloween, that spookiest of Celtic holidays? This is my favorite anthology since Return of the Sword.” (Morgan Holmes, Castalia House)
“Samhain Sorceries is an anthology that manages, in many cases, to go beyond slavish pastiche or dutiful homage and have its own distinctive feel, while mercifully avoiding the hackish tendency to ‘subvert’ existing tropes… Samhain Sorceries was really very good and I urge anyone who is a fan of classic S&S, particularly Howard, to give it a spin for a lot of the stories are scrumptious and exquisite. DMR Books strikes again!” (Prince of Nothing, Age of Dusk)
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