Viking Adventures

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Viking Adventures


The sagas of Northern Europe have captivated the minds of fantasists and fictioneers for centuries. Many a mesmerizing tale has been spun using the grim grandeur of Scandinavian myths as a basis. Viking Adventures collects eight such stories, ranging from the historical to the fantastic. Among the tales included herein are short, action-packed thrillers by Poul Anderson and Ray Wynn, Kenneth Morris’ rousing account of an aged Viking who refuses to submit to Christianity, and two Nordic novellas: “Vengeance,” Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur’s pulp adventure based on the Völsung Saga, and “The Valkyries” by E.F. Benson, a prose retelling of Wagner’s Die Walküre.

Stories included:
“The Teuton’s Battle-song” (poem) by H.P. Lovecraft
“The Trader and the Vikings” by Poul Anderson
“The Regent of the North” by Kenneth Morris
“The Valkyries” by E.F. Benson
“The Passing of Sweyn” by Ray Wynn
“Seanachas” by Fiona Macleod
“Vengeance” by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur
“Ragnarok” (poem) by Henry Kuttner

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